Ana, a student at Harding-Pencroft Academy, a school that trains the best underwater explorers in the world, find themselves pursued by a ruthless enemy whilst on their first sea trial. With danger on the horizon and a villain determined to steal secrets the school is founded on, only Ana and her half-trained team of students will be able to save…
Things aren't going well for Apollo. Once a Greek God, now he's a gawky teenager. There's only one way he can earn back Zeus' favour, and that's to seek and restore the ancient oracles - but that's easier said than done. A haunted cave in the American mid-west might be able to help him, but it might send him mad…
Apollo has angered his father Zeus for the last time. Turned into a human teenager called Lester, he's stuck in New York City and has to learn to survive. He needs help and turns to the demi-gods in Camp Half-blood. A series of 5 adventures by best-selling writer Rick Riordan